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The Power of Service

After living and designing in Bali for a few years, I felt this deep longing to do more. The island of Bali was magical and it was a dream come true living there, but I started to notice that some people weren't as lucky as myself. As my friend Maryam Montague who founded Project Soar in Morocco put it, “I couldn’t live here and not do anything.” She really put into words how I felt.

Most days my rituals consisted of: going to the workshop, maintaining my daily yoga practice, going to the beach, and connecting with my local friends. It was a beautiful life but I had this longing to do more and give back to this place that had given me so much.

I began asking around and doing some research on some local organizations, but nothing resonated with me until I met Robin Lim, a local midwife. I immediately felt this instant connection. Robin was powerful and strong but possessed such gentleness and softness, she was what you would imagine if Mother Earth were a person. She had an incredible impact on me from the moment I met her, her story was undeniably personal and spoke to me. I knew I was meant to support her and her mission to lower the infant mortality rate in Indonesia and all over South East Asia.

Originally from the States, Robin was the midwife to a few of my pregnant friends that were also living in Bali. Upon visiting Bali years before, she showed up and found out there was a needed role as midwife to the hundreds of Balinese women who could not afford to have safe and healthy births.

Robin made Bali her permanent home and started a nonprofit called ‘Bumi Sehat’ which so beautifully translates to ‘healthy earth mother.’

Bumi Sehat operates as a clinic offering free prenatal care, birthing services, and medical aid to the Balinese community. Her clinic survives entirely on donations and uses a blend of allopathic and holistic medicine to assist all mothers in feeling safe and supported.

The grounds also double as a sanctuary to inhabitants who are fleeing natural disasters, hazardous conditions and extreme hardship when needed.

Upon diving deeper into Robins work alongside her, I decided the best way for me to be of service, was to design a collection under Anna Beck through which a large portion of proceeds would go straight to Robin and her team.

I named the collection, ‘Circle of Life’ to commemorate the beautiful work of the clinic and its staff. Not long after the collection went live on the site, these pieces became amongst the best sellers, awarding my team and I at Anna Beck the opportunity to donate over $78,000 to Robin’s charity.

To date, Robin and her team have provided free medical care to over 113,000 people and we are honored to have aided that in our own way.

Since our first meeting many years ago, Robin has become one of my dearest friends. She is one of those rare and amazing people that gives you hope and makes you want be a better person.

I’ve seen firsthand the impact she makes on these women and babies lives. I’ve seen her house and feed those without a home of their own. Even recently taking in a few HUNDRED families that were displaced because of an active volcano in Bali.

I’m convinced that she hasn’t received a full night's rest in years because of all of the mothers and families that rely on her.

In my eyes Robin is a modern day Mother Theresa, a true crusader for women and children, unafraid to speak up for their silenced voices. Rightfully so, Robin went on to become the winner of the 2011 CNN Hero Award.

She continues to open my eyes to the power of service and giving back. She truly changed the course of Anna Beck, as we have continued to identify organizations that deeply touch us, and create collections through which we are able to donate funds.

Robin’s story, became a piece of ours and we are so proud of that today, on International Day of Charity, and every day. Shop the whole collection today.


Becky, Founder and Designer of Anna Beck


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